GRoG 1791- What is it?

     We founded GRoG-1791 to celebrate the glory and romance of the American story.  To honor our Conservative American values, the principles of our Founding Fathers, Judeo Christian beliefs; and the ideals of patriotism, personal liberty, free enterprise and limited government; and finally to honor those who serve and protect in our military and as first responders.

      At GRoG we create one-of-kind engraved rock, wood pieces and glassware for people that love the United States of America and want to celebrate its founding principles.  Our company name comes from the last sentence of the First Amendment of the Constitution which states, "to petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances" - GRoG.

     We hope our pieces will encourage and inspire people.

     In addition, our website will offer our customers products that they can use to "petition the government for a redress of grievances."  Products that will remind our elected officials that they were elected to serve the people's interest - not their own; and to hopefully prompt our elected officials into action.  We will take care of the shipping and handling - all the customer has to do is click the name of the elected official they want to send a message to.

     Finally, with every purchase of our products a donation will be made to the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. GRoG is not affiliated in any way with the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, but believes the mission of the ISI.  It is a Conservative organization that works to promote the following principles on college and university campuses:

     - Limited Government 

     - Individual Freedom

     - Personal Responsibility

     - Rule of Law

     - Free Market Economy

     With the overwhelming influence of the left and the stifling of Conservative  thought and speech on college campuses we believe that it is very important to support organizations like the Intercollegiate Studies Institute.

     We realize that the United States of America is not perfect, but the principles upon which it was founded are... and we as a country must continue to strive to achieve those principles.